Siri Latihan "GRAMMAR" BERMUTU TINGGI Apakah itu " Siri Super Grammar Practice " ? Super Grammar Practice merupakan siri latihan "Grammar" (tatabahasa) yang dikarangkan untuk Siri Buku Super Minds Level 1 -6 yang berlandaskan rangka kerja bersama Eropah Rujukan Bahasa asing yang dikenali sebagai CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). Latihan ini sesuai untuk pelajar sekolah rendah yang mengikuti syllabus CEFR di sekolah kerajaan. "Super Grammar Practice sesuai untuk pelajar sekolah rendah yang mengikuti sistem CEFR sekolah kerajaan. "
Want to Help Your Kids Write Better? Try this!! Traditionally, our kids used the 5W-and -1-H method to generate ideas when writing. The method helps to come out with some basic ideas of an essay but hardly give any interesting details. To move your kid from a "C" to "B" or a "B" to "A", you may want to try to engage your young writers to write with their senses. By adding the 5 senses to your composition, you will be able to describe the details and paint a vivid picture. The 5 senses are made up of " SIGHT, SOUND, TOUCH, SMELL, TASTE" . SIGHT - what you see with your eyes , details of surroundings and people that you can observe with your eyes. TOUCH - there are 2 categories of TOUCH 1) how you feel, the emotions you experience in a situation. 2) the texture of objects that you touch, which is the phys...