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Help Your Kids Write Better? Sensational Writing !!

Want to Help Your Kids Write Better? Try this!!

Traditionally, our kids used the 5W-and -1-H method to generate ideas when writing. The method helps to come out with some basic ideas of an essay but hardly give any interesting details. To move your kid from a "C" to "B"   or   a  "B" to  "A", you may want to try to engage your young writers to write with their senses. 

By adding the 5 senses to your composition, you will be able to describe the details and paint a vivid picture.

The 5 senses are made up of  " SIGHT, SOUND,  TOUCH,  SMELL,  TASTE" . 

SIGHT -  what you see with your eyes , details of surroundings and people that you can observe with your eyes.

TOUCH - there are 2 categories of  TOUCH
           1) how you feel, the emotions you experience in a situation.
           2) the texture of objects that you touch, which is the physical contact with objects / people.

TASTE - what you taste with your tongue / what you experience with your lips.

SMELL - what you smell with your nose, the scents and even the odours of an environment.

SOUND - what you hear with your ears, sounds in the environment that you are in.


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