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Showing posts from 2017

Help Your Kids Write Better? Sensational Writing !!

Want to Help Your Kids Write Better? Try this!! Traditionally, our kids used the 5W-and -1-H method to generate ideas when writing. The method helps to come out with some basic ideas of an essay but hardly give any interesting details. To move your kid from a "C" to "B"   or   a  "B" to  "A", you may want to try to engage your young writers to write with their senses.  By adding the 5 senses to your composition, you will be able to describe the details and paint a vivid picture. The 5 senses are made up of  " SIGHT, SOUND,  TOUCH,  SMELL,  TASTE" .  SIGHT -  what you see with your eyes , details of surroundings and people that you can observe with your eyes. TOUCH - there are 2 categories of  TOUCH            1) how you feel, the emotions you experience in a situation.            2) the texture of objects that you touch, which is the phys...

UPSR Questions - near or nearby?

UPSR Question :  Near or Nearby ?到底怎么用呢 ?   Recently a caring and concerned mom posted this online and one of our teachers spotted and gave a much-needed explanation. This objective question is one of the questions in Paper 1 (Penang UPSR Trial). Perhaps, it is not only  a mind-boggling question to our primary kids (Some adults have been using it the wrong way too). What is the question exactly? So what is the answer? and Why? Below is the explanation! nearby - adverb ... While waiting at the bus stop, he saw a few students roaming nearby. nearby -describe action "roaming" nearby- adjective He always buys snacks at the nearby stall. What does the question need? An adverb? An adjective? A preposition? Near is a Preposition.  Nearby is not! The question requires you to tell the “location” of John’s house. So you need a preposition Hence, the answer is A PS: near can also be an adjective ...

Bahan Penulisan Bahasa Inggeris Yang Telah Membantu Anak Saya

Tiada cara yang lebih mudah, hanya cara yang lebih effektif dalam Penulisan.  Effective English Writing ditulis untuk membantu meningkat kemahiran penulisan pelajar sekolah rendah tempatan. Penulis telah mengenal pasti perbendaharaan kata yang penting dengan teliti bagi memenuhi keperluan sistem peperiksaan tertentu. Dengan definisi yang jelas dan contoh ayat, pelajar dapat memperlajari penggunaan perkataan-perkataan dan frasa dengan mudah. THEMATIC  VOCAB THEMATIC  VOCAB THEMATIC  VOCAB   Penulis secara strategic memilih golongan kosa kata berfrekuensi tinggi dan yang berkesan supaya dapat skor tinggi dalam penulisan . Kosa kata ini disusun dalam pelbagai tema yang dibentangkan dalam jadual mudah faham besama makna dan contoh ayat. Gap-fill Langkah pertama dalam menguasai perbendaharaan kata adalah memahami makna . Bahagian “Gap-fill” telah direka dengan b...

Skor A Writing

UPSR 英文写作救星

UPSR 英文写作救星!