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Is it grammatically correct to ask, "what is your father" when you mean to ask, "what does your father do"?

Is it grammatically correct to ask, "what is your father" when you mean to ask, "what does your father do"?

Hope the information clears your confusion on "What's your father" , in case, in does come out in the UPSR exam, under Section B, Paper 1 (question 21).

So, is it grammatically correct to ask "What's your father" when you try to find one's father's occupation?

It's grammatically correct and could be fine if there's some context: "My father's a doctor - what's your father?" By itself however it doesn't give enough clues to the sort of answer desired, so you're likely to get confused silence or a Smart aleck answer, e.g., "My father's a human being."

"What does your father do?" is less reliant on context because that phraseology has passed into commonspeak as a question about the father's job rather than any other activity.

Good day, the above helps.


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